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The Ultimate Guide to Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Singapore

The Ultimate Guide to Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Singapore

Wisdom tooth extractions may sound intimidating, but we’ve gathered all the necessary info to help ease your mind about the procedure. From costs to aftercare, we’ve got you covered below.

What is wisdom tooth extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction is the procedure that involves removing your third molars as soon as they erupt or when pain radiates from your lower or upper cheeks. 

Wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore is most often done on patients who have severe overcrowding or impacted teeth. 

When wisdom teeth cause jaw pain but have not erupted, there’s a big chance that the tooth is impacted and must be surgically removed by your dentist. 

Otherwise, wisdom tooth extraction is necessary for patients undergoing braces treatment. 

To remedy overcrowding issues, your wisdom teeth may be removed to leave more space for other teeth to move into the correct place. 

Why do we need to extract our wisdom teeth?

Why do we need to extract our wisdom teeth

Dentists perform wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore on patients because of several reasons, such as impacted teeth, overcrowding, tooth decay, and even gum diseases.

Patients need to get their wisdom teeth extracted to prevent further tooth damage, loss, and severe pain. 

It’s also a great way to improve your oral health since wisdom teeth become facilities for bacteria build-up and tooth decay. 

While many external factors cause dental issues, dentists generally perform extraction when the need arises. 

Because of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth may be a cause for wisdom tooth extraction. An impacted wisdom tooth is a condition wherein your wisdom tooth doesn’t grow or erupt in its normal position.

Impacted wisdom teeth are usually found in X-ray scans following regular bouts of severe tooth pain. 

This is because impacted teeth get stuck under the gums due to insufficient space in your jaw. The pain will be felt when an impacted tooth grows towards your other teeth. 

It’s also common for an impacted tooth to cause further damage to its neighbouring teeth. When the tooth bumps into the nerve endings of your other teeth, that’s when the pain becomes excruciating. 

It could also cause swelling, infections, and tooth decay over time. Dentists will have to remove the tooth to prevent further discomfort and damage. 

Because of Regular Radiating Pain

You’ll need to get your wisdom teeth extracted if you’re experiencing severe tooth pain that radiates to your ears, neck, and head. 

General tooth pain could be a sign of several other dental issues like decay or gum diseases. However, wisdom tooth pain is a slightly different experience due to its severity. 

When the pain only gets worse, your dentist will likely scan your jaw to see if your wisdom tooth is growing towards neighbouring nerve endings or if the gums around it are infected. 

In these cases, your dentist will have to remove your wisdom tooth, impacted or not, to prevent further pain. 

Because of Gum Disease

Even if your wisdom tooth by itself is fine, your dentist may still recommend it to be extracted because of gum disease.

Gingivitis is the most common gum disease, affecting thousands of patients across the globe. Wisdom teeth are located at the far back of the jaw, making it an ideal place for bacteria build-up. 

When bacteria build up over time, debris may harden around your gums and cause swelling and infection. 

If the gums surrounding your wisdom tooth is swollen and sore, your dentist will likely extract the tooth if treating it with antibiotics doesn’t work. 

Removing the wisdom tooth is also a great preventive measure to ensure that any bacteria remains removable by brushing, flossing, or gargling. 

Because of Overcrowded Teeth

If you’ve ever had braces, you might have gotten wisdom tooth extraction before the procedure. Overcrowding, one reason to get braces, is quite common among dental patients, and it’s often made worse by erupting wisdom teeth. 

Patients who need to undergo braces often get wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore sometime during the treatment. This is so the braces can move the teeth to their proper places. 

If crowding is severe, your dentist may extract more than one tooth on top of your wisdom teeth. Doing so will speed up the alignment process and improve your oral health. 

Because of Persistent Tooth Decay

If your wisdom tooth is decaying and can’t be saved through other treatments, then your dentist may resort to wisdom tooth extraction.

Tooth decay can form when a wisdom tooth is not brushed or cleaned properly. Due to its location, it could be difficult to brush off any remaining food or stains. 

When left unclean, wisdom teeth could attract bacteria and cause tooth decay over time. When a tooth becomes unreachable by your toothbrush, your dentist may suggest extracting it. 

When tooth decay is left untreated, the decay could reach your nerve endings and roots, causing further damage and possible tooth loss. 

In these serious cases, a root canal treatment may follow an extraction. The effects are irreversible, and patients may have to get implants if the decay destroys other teeth. 

How much does wisdom tooth extraction cost in Singapore?

How much does wisdom tooth extraction cost in Singapore

Wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore costs roughly $150 to $350 per tooth. Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the extraction. 

For example, impacted teeth can only be removed surgically. In this case, surgical extractions may cost up to $800 to $1,200 per tooth. 

These fees don’t include X-ray scanning, medication, and other procedures that supplement the extraction treatment. 

How much does wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore cost foreigners?

The cost of a wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore for foreign patients is generally the same as what private clinics will charge Singapore citizens or permanent residents: roughly $150 to $350 per tooth. 

However, the differences in price may appear in insurance coverage. Many foreign patients have dental insurance that may cover wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore up to a certain amount. 

But that depends on whether the private clinic accepts international insurance policies. You’ll most likely find private clinics with premium services are those that often accept foreign clients’ insurance. 

Are wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore insurance claimable?

Are wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore insurance claimable

Wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore is insurance claimable if the procedure is surgical. 

Only dental procedures deemed medically necessary, such as surgery, are covered by most insurance companies. 

Nonsurgical wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore are not insurance claimable. Unless you have international insurance, you may want to discuss with your chosen clinic about your policy. 

You can use Medisave to pay for a partial amount of surgical wisdom tooth extractions for Singapore citizens and permanent residents. 

What kind of wisdom tooth extraction is covered by insurance?

The kind of wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore that is covered by insurance is surgical extraction. Medisave can be used to pay for the full or partial amounts. 

Speak to your financial advisor or chosen dentist about your insurance policy and treatment type.

What are the two types of wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore?

What are the two types of wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore

The type types of wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore are simple and complex tooth extractions. 

Dentists determine the type of extraction to perform based on symptoms and findings on scans and assessments. 

While both types offer full extraction of the tooth, they have different implications, aftercare, and processes. 

Simple Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Simple wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore are nonsurgical and are performed on wisdom teeth that have erupted or are visible in the mouth. 

The extraction process involves loosening the tooth using dental tools such as forceps and an elevator. Your dentist will first administer local anaesthesia before rocking the tooth back and forth until it comes out free. 

The procedure is considered simple because it doesn’t require making incisions on your gums to extract the tooth. There is also minimal excavating and drilling involved. 

The procedure can be performed by a general dentist. They diagnose and perform various treatments for minor dental problems such as a simple tooth extraction. 

Complex Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Complex wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore are surgical procedures that involve drilling and removing wisdom teeth that haven’t erupted or broken through the surface. 

In most cases, complex extractions are performed by a dentist to surgically remove impacted wisdom teeth and other severely decayed teeth. 

The process involves making incisions through the gums to expose the tooth before breaking it down into smaller portions. 

Once the tooth is cut, then your dentist will remove the tooth pieces one by one from your gums. 

Complex wisdom teeth are often used to treat more serious dental problems and can only be performed by surgical dentists. 

Surgical dentists are medical professionals who specialise in surgically removing teeth and correcting jaw issues. They perform invasive procedures that are usually deemed medically necessary. 

Simple vs Complex Extractions: What’s the difference?

Simple ExtractionComplex Extraction
Cost$150 to $350 per tooth; not claimable by insurance$800 to $1,200 per tooth; claimable by insurance
ConditionTooth is exposedTooth is still enclosed by gum tissue
Performed byGeneral dentistSurgical dentist

Simple extractions are best for teeth that have erupted

Simple wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore are best for teeth that have erupted. When a wisdom tooth is exposed, it’s a lot easier to remove without needing surgery. 

This makes the overall costs slightly cheaper than complex extractions since the procedure omits the use of surgical tools and the skills of a surgical dentist. 

While the procedure is fairly cheaper, it is not insurance claimable due to it being less medically necessary than complex extractions. 

Complex extractions are best for teeth that haven’t erupted

Complex wisdom tooth extractions in Singapore are best for patients who have impacted wisdom teeth that haven’t erupted. 

Since the tooth isn’t exposed, the surgical dentist will make incisions through the gums to expose the tooth and break it into half before excavating. 

The procedure is surgical and requires the skill of a surgeon. The tools, anaesthesia, and process are far more complex, making it the more expensive option for tooth extraction. 

Since most complex extractions are medically necessary, the procedure is insurance claimable. You may use Medisave or other insurance policies to cover the costs of the extraction. 

Can I get a wisdom tooth extraction done in a public hospital?

Can I get a wisdom tooth extraction done in a public hospital

You may get a wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore done in a public hospital. However, most public hospitals only perform surgical extractions. 

If your dentist finds that you only need a simple extraction, getting the procedure done at a public hospital may not be necessary. 

Do I need a referral to get my wisdom teeth extracted in a public hospital?

You need a referral letter before you can get a wisdom tooth extraction done in a public hospital in Singapore. 

This is very important, especially if you’re avoiding high costs. If you don’t have a referral, the public hospital may charge you as a private patient. 

You can get a referral from your current dentist from your chosen clinic. From there, you can discuss your options with your dentist as they provide insights on what to expect during the procedure. 

Are wisdom tooth extractions painful?

Are wisdom tooth extractions painful

In general, wisdom tooth extractions are not painful due to the anaesthesia that’s administered prior to the removal. 

Patients will feel slight discomfort or pain during the administering process rather than the actual extraction. 

Once the anaesthesia kicks in, patients may feel pressure as the dentist rocks the tooth back and forth to remove it with forceps. 

For surgical extractions, the patient is often asleep under general anaesthesia and won’t feel anything until they wake up. 

Pain is more likely possible after a few hours following the wisdom tooth extraction when the anaesthesia wears out. 

What happens during a complex wisdom tooth extraction?

The wisdom tooth extraction procedure is fairly straightforward. Local or general anaesthesia is first administered based on the type of extraction your dentist will perform. 

For complex wisdom tooth extractions, your dentist will cut through the gums to expose the tooth before drilling it into two. From there, the pieces will then be removed and your gums. 

Once all the pieces are removed, your dentist will then use dissolving stitches to cover the exposed canal and gums. 

What happens during a simple wisdom tooth extraction?

For simple wisdom tooth extractions, your dentist will use a tool called an elevator to lift or push the wisdom tooth out of its place. Forceps are then used to properly rock the tooth back and forth until it comes loose and free. 

How long does it take to recover from a wisdom tooth extraction?

How long does it take to recover from a wisdom tooth extraction

On average, it takes about a week to recover from a wisdom tooth extraction. It could take up to two weeks for a blood clot to fully heal and about a month for new bone to form under the extraction site. 

The most important aspect of the healing process is to ensure that the blood clots stay intact. 

Generally, patients can start eating normal food within the first week following the extraction. 

What are the side effects of wisdom tooth extraction?

The most common side effects of wisdom tooth extraction are pain, swelling, bruising, and stiffness. 

1. Pain or Discomfort

Patients recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction may feel pain around the exposed site once the anaesthesia wears off. Yawning or chewing may also be painful following the procedure.

How to Ease the Pain from Wisdom Tooth Extraction

To relieve pain after wisdom tooth extraction, refrain from eating hard food that causes you to chew, such as meat. Take your prescribed painkillers to help alleviate the pain throughout the day. 

It may help to eat ice cream or cold soft food to help with the redness and swelling around the extraction site. 

2. Gum and Cheek Swelling 

It’s normal to experience gum and cheek swelling following a wisdom tooth extraction in Singapore. Most patients who have had several teeth removed are more likely to get swollen cheeks. 

How to Reduce Swelling after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

To reduce swelling after wisdom tooth extraction, you can place an ice or cold compress against your cheek where the affected gums are located. The cold temperature can help relieve your muscles and prevent further swelling. 

3. Bruising

Due to the force used by dentists to rock your teeth back and forth during wisdom tooth extraction, you may experience slight bruising on your jaw or cheeks. 

Bruising is fairly uncommon but is most likely found in patients with smaller jaws and bites. 

How to Prevent Bruises after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

You can keep the bruises away after wisdom tooth extraction by pressing a cold compress or ice pack against the affected site. It could take a few days before the bruises go away, but the pain should subside within a few days. 

Should I get a wisdom tooth extraction early?

Should I get a wisdom tooth extraction early

You should get a wisdom tooth extraction when your dentist advises you to undergo the procedure. If your dentist recommends getting an extraction early, then you may do so.

Your dentist will assess the condition of your teeth and determine whether an extraction is necessary, no matter your age or lifestyle. 

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